
Showing posts from April 22, 2012

Beauty is Fleeting

This picture of Marilyn Monroe that is making the rounds on the web. Her gaze looks sad and distant. In keeping with the previous post's theme of "While It Lasts," is not beauty the quintessential example of here today, gone tomorrow? Somehow this photograph of MM seems to embody the question. Like a flower, beauty fades. When Marilyn died relatively young, it did freeze her iconic look for time eternal. Sort of like James Dean. No pictures of her as a frail old lady smoking a cigarette while pushing a grocery cart replacing earlier images. The layering of age had not progressed into that. There is that ciggy reference again. Maybe I am just dying to be a smoker once more. It makes me wonder why we value physical beauty so much in people. It really does become a measure of worth. I suppose aesthetics in appearance has an artistic plane. That appreciation is fine where it is. But, then the image of visual attractiveness devolves into idolatry which is essentially assi...

While It Lasts

A friend posted the above on Facebook. It made me laugh, particularly since Old Jack (how C.S. Lewis was known to friends) is smoking a ciggy. Sorry Jack, smoking cigarettes is just a nasty habit, so don't think I approve. An  occasional good cigar or pipe, I have no problem with at all.     This is the whole quote:  Question:   Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness? Lewis:  Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness? While it lasts, the religion of worshipping oneself is the best. I  have an elderly acquaintance of about eighty, who has lived a life of unbroken selfishness and self-admiration from the earliest years, and is, more or less, I regret to say, one of the happiest men I know. From the moral point of view it is very difficult! I am not approaching the question from that angle. As you perhaps know, I haven’t always been a Christian. I didn’t go to...

A Matter of Life and Death

Yesterday, I was listening to different songs on Spotify. I picked up this majestic Metal maestro-like grenade of music:   For the Greater Good of God . The bass-like footsteps, the guitar licks pick up. Then, soft like the pulling of the grenade pin, the singing starts, then explodes. And draws to a somber close. Damage done. And, that explosion serves an important strategic objective. Deal with hard questions. Don't evade.   Iron Maiden has earned a hallowed place in the hearts of Metalheads for good reason. Songs like this are powerful musically and lyrically. Not be trifled with or dismissed.   The chorus asks:  Please tell me now what life is,  Please tell me now what love is,   Well tell me now what war is.  Again tell me what life is.  The song ends with this,  " he gave his life for us,  he fell upon the cross,  to die for all of those,  who never mourn his loss,  it wasnt meant for us,  to fee...