Break from Blog and Facebook
I wanted to let all know who might care that I won't be posting any blog essays until after Thursday, May 13, 2010. That is the day I am slated to Commence from Temple University with a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. There is still much to be done in writing my Dissertation so this graduation is far from a sure thing and the degree is hardly in the bag and soon-to-be on the wall. There is a chance that I won't get everything finished. In order to concentrate my writing mojo and momentum, putting bierkergaard on ice seems wisest. I usually don't spend a lot of time and effort writing my essays, yet it is time better directed to the main focus of the last 8 years of going to school. I will also be laying low on Facebook as I am finding it nearly impossible to keep up with everything. In chatting with my dad yesterday to have him put May 13th on his calendar, he noted that it was Ascension Day. I thought this was pretty cool. I have seen my doctoral work as means to further...