Vitamix Providence

Matthew 20:22 But Jesus answered by saying to them, "You don't know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink?" "Oh yes," they replied, "we are able!" There is always that freak kid who likes vegetables. Like the kid who digs homework. I recall being stuck with all the other children after school during a snowstorm where the elementary school's cafeteria staff broke out the mushroom soup for an afternoon emergency meal that they must have not been able to be unloaded previously and only one child liked it. The bowls were lined up as he sloppily and happily slurped away. As a kid, broccoli was my nemesis. I got the gag reflex just looking at it. One day I thought that if I buried the sulfuric and stalky greenery in Gulden's Mustard, I wouldn't taste the broccoli. The strategy worked, childhood was saved. The Gulden's also worked with brussel sprouts, cabbage, and an...