
Showing posts from August 21, 2016


During the school year, I typically do a devotional with breakfast. Eating food, physical and spiritual. After both are finished, I retire to the living room and spend about 10 minutes (sometimes 15) reflecting on the thoughts of the devotional and cultivating an inner space of peace and clarity before the work day kicks into gear. A daily short Sabbath of sorts. I need that time.  I am a firm believer in the weekly Sabbath. For Christians, it is typically observed on a Sunday. I avoid doing work and shopping that I can do on other days. It is not a hard and fast rule always, though. For example, today I bought a hoagie at Wawa. That is a plus in Sabbath-keeping despite shopping because I do less work. Tasks like mowing the grass, laundry, cooking large (besides a specific meal), are delegated to other days. Saturdays tend to be the day where I made a To-Do List and knock tasks off. I have to make lists, it allows me to calculate steps and how much time and energy is needed to...