Weed Whackiness
I have a weed whacker but it is a pain to use b/c of the long extension cord required. I also have a theory that unless one is whacking weeds on acres and acres of land--where you get paid every weeks to do so, it is more wise to do hand-to-hand combat with the nefarious ones. Whacking weeds is like playing 'Whack the Mole" at a carnival. All that happens is that the weeds keep popping back up--and I am sure that its seeds as spread by the concussive whacking procedure. Plus, the weeds are like, "you killed my daddy or momma"--a generational vendetta. They come back stronger and in larger numbers... However, I concede that there is a satisfaction to beheading and dismembering weeds. It is gratifying to see the weeds fall like enemy combatants. Have a boss that sucks (for the record, I don't) ? Well, at least you can kill some weeds and feel a sense of cathartic destruction of a lesser opponent. You shouldn't and can't kick the dog anymore, otherwise PET...