Weed Whackiness

I have a weed whacker but it is a pain to use b/c of the long extension cord required. I also have a theory that unless one is whacking weeds on acres and acres of land--where you get paid every weeks to do so, it is more wise to do hand-to-hand combat with the nefarious ones. Whacking weeds is like playing 'Whack the Mole" at a carnival. All that happens is that the weeds keep popping back up--and I am sure that its seeds as spread by the concussive whacking procedure. Plus, the weeds are like, "you killed my daddy or momma"--a generational vendetta. They come back stronger and in larger numbers...

However, I concede that there is a satisfaction to beheading and dismembering weeds. It is gratifying to see the weeds fall like enemy combatants. Have a boss that sucks (for the record, I don't) ? Well, at least you can kill some weeds and feel a sense of cathartic destruction of a lesser opponent. You shouldn't and can't kick the dog anymore, otherwise PETA might burn your house down. But, weeds don't have many advocates (yet). Michael Vick could have whacked weeds with sadistic glee to the applause of all. Weeds are like the smokers of the plant world. Nobody loves them. They have to stick together...they are all that they have.

I have recently started to use pliers on the weeds in my yard. Very surgical. Kind of like CIA drones in the mountains of Pakistan, just more accurate.

I get as low as I can on the main stem of the weed, then clamp, and pull...like a dentist of old...I get em roots and all. I have also taken to dressing like a Haz-Mat worker with all flesh covered. The last couple of summers I kept getting a rash off of some weed in the yard and now clothe myself completely. Better to avoid a rash than treat one. Many applications on this to life in general. My treatment plan with rashes was bleach and that was not a very good thing to do to my body. Though, I did kind of enjoy the stinging of the rash being burned by the harsh chemical.

We tend to deal with the consequence side of problems rather than prevention. My goal with my approach to weeding is to avoid weeding in the future, not to have a ripe field of weeds to annihilate two weeks later once again. I would rather do something else like lie on the couch than to have recurring battles with the teeming weed hordes.


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