
Showing posts from August 25, 2019

Consistency and Chaos

Ten years ago, I was in the dissertation phase of my Ph.D. program. My adviser kept pushing me to make changes and then make changes to the changes. Unlike the course work in the Ed. Psych. program, there was no back wall to push to work up to; it was open-ended. I took the draconian step of stating on a Sunday night on the phone to him that either my dissertation framework as it was was acceptable or I was quitting the program. It was a gamble but he backed down and at least that battle was won. The War raged on though, all around.  At the same time, my marriage was collapsing, my job was as hard as it had ever been, I got Lyme's Disease, I was writing a book, and I was battling a groundhog family that was destroying my garden. I also had two close associates who I considered good friends, steal en masse my college transition research and over a decades worth of work, repackage it, and call it their own. They were Christians which made it especially painful. And then, th...