Cheetos Heart
The day before Valentines Day I was at the Hallmark store along with all the other poor sucker men looking through the cards. Valentines Day is a damned if you don't holiday for sure. Advice to the newly married or men in a relationship perhaps leading to marriage. Don't believe the woman when she says that Valentines Day is no big deal. It's a trap to see if you can have the wisdom to do the right thing despite the words. You had better learn that lesson sooner or later, and the sooner the better. Applicable to much more than Valentines. My wife is not a particularly sentimental person and neither am I. So, 99% of the cards were not suitable. We love each other and all but sugary verse, especially with the awful rhymes, off-limits. I finally wound up buying a card in the snarky section with script that stated that I loved her more than I loved bacon. And, I love bacon. Dangerous to even equate a person to a thing, even if it is bacon. Some women want roses, chocolat...