No Rain, No Rainbow: A Cry for Cultural Engagement
Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. I snapped this picture one-handed with my iPhone while driving 60 mph across the Susquehanna River Bridge. Don't recommend doing that unless one has to take a pic like this. My steering wheel was the shaky tripod. The photo is hardly a true representation of the majestic sight. As I pulled over after crossing the bridge, I saw a complete rainbow from horizon to horizon, like a giant smile across the sky. I don't recall ever seeing the whole rainbow from end-to-end ever. The rainbow in the Bible is a sign to mankind of God's grace. Post-Noah, we can look to the rainbow and see the colors of God's compassion to humanity. The flood was judgment, the rainbow a promise of redemption. The river is a baptism of sorts into the reality of the brokenness of the world. I drive west daily...