
Showing posts from September 16, 2018

The Perilous Path of Perfectionism

Surgically Repaired Pole The Friday of Labor Day Weekend, school was uncharacteristically not in session. Not sure why entirely. Not that I was complaining. Ramping back to school in session requires a decent amount of girding myself for the pressure. I don't recall this ever being the case of being off that Friday. So, I subverted back to summer mode for a day. Drank a lot of coffee. Chilled around the house, then decided to go for a hike at the local 1 mile path around Lake Grubb. Since Pa. has been the equatorial rainforest this summer (I know, I mention it every week), the hike was a bit nasty. It was hot, wet, slippery, and buggy. On top of it, since I am so freaking tall, I was clearing out the spider webs that most hikers pass under. I was using my walking pole to try and clear the way ahead. A flock of  mosquitoes and gnats circled me like satellites as I walked. When I got back to my car, I reflected how the hike had turned from a 99% win to something more like ...