Matthew 5:48 Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Perfect (teleioi). The word comes from telos, end, goal, limit. Here it is the goal set before us, the absolute standard of our Heavenly Father. The word is used also for relative perfection as of adults compared with children. "The word rendered here perfect by St. Matthew, is elsewere by St. Luke rendered merciful, Luke 6:36, implying, that charity is the perfection of a Christian's graces: he that is made perfect in love, is perfect in all divine graces, in the account of God. " (William Burkitt). I struggle with this verse in Matthew in the sense that I know that perfection is not possible, in and of myself. Religion can lead a person to depend on their own righteousness, to stand with the belief that I can get myself to heaven. So, Jesus is stopping this construction of the steps to heaven at the first brick. Like the Tower of Babel, we want to get to heaven under our own effort and work...