Vancouver A.D.?

I wasn't going to blog until I arrived back to Pa. but I have a lot of new experiences that have plowed up my mind.

We were not aware that Vancouver, British Columbia, stays lighter much later in the evening than Pennsylvania. We were soon to find out. After arriving in town, Lina and I went for a wonderful dinner close to the hotel at a hip restaurant.

Afterwards, we strolled the streets. Based on our Pennsylvania sensibilities, it seemed around 8:30 or so. Lina wanted to do some shopping at a trendy clothing store, so she pulled on the door. Not open. Door was locked and it said on the door that the store was open until 9:00. What gives? Did we trigger an anti-American security system? We don't want your stinking American dollars...

Well, it was almost 9:40. It took several moments for both us to realize that it was much later than we thought. The light had given us hope that it was still day. When Jesus said that His followers were and are to be the "Light of the World" it presupposes that the world is dark. Otherwise, light would be redundant and unnecessary.

Optimism can be foolish and unwise and even dangerous if it does not take an honest accounting of reality. Yet, Christians should be the most optimistic people in the world because our faith takes into consideration both the sin of the world and the sure remedy for it. Let there be light. A declaration of hope!


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