Jesus Loves The Church

The world teaches us that we are worthy because we have something of worth to give to the system, the structure, society. Despite rhetoric from both Left and Right, and all points in-between, each ideology has the groups or group it hates who are on the outs, as a counter-balance to the ins. For all of the talk of valuing diversity, the truth is that an emphasis on our differences divides human worth, setting people against people. Inclusion in human terms always has exclusion.

The unity fractures into fragments, fractions, factions. However, human worth does not exist suspended in the air on wishes but in Jesus Christ dying on a Cross, God suspended in sacrifice, extending worth in His outstretched hands. To all.

So when we fail, disappoint ourselves, disappoint others, go back again and again to the sin cycle for another round of beatings, Jesus pronounces our worth emanating from His worth, not our own. We are benefactors of Christ being broken. His torn body/bread and shed blood/wine, brings us into unity at the human table. Every other human scheme is mere decaying crumbs.

I am not worthy...that is the point. But He is.  


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