I am Hungry

Welcome back to another installment of "Fluffy Fridays" where I drop all my deep musings like a bad habit and go goofy. It is actually Saturday when I am posting this as I got onto other things yesterday. So it is "Snowy Silly Saturday" in Blogdom de Bierkergaard.

This year, with me being on Sabbatical from my school counselor position, I have escaped the clockwork precision and regimentation of the school day, where everything is controlled by the bell. For many years, I have eaten at 12:30. While working, once I hear the bell for lunch, like a Pavlovian dog, I trot down to the cafeteria, salivating and slobbering all the way down.

Since I do my doctoral work from home, time gets chewed up, a mastication of the minutes, a digestion of the days, all the while I miss eating lunch.

This year, lunch can be any time, and more often than not, I don't eat until 3 or later. I still eat breakfast first thing in the morning. But once that meal is concluded, who knows when I shall return to the trough. Strangely, I find myself resistant to eat lunch and often will not eat until my tummy starts to sound like the garbage disposal. My stomach will go from gnawing to snarling before I reckon its chow time.

Now, I love to eat. So it is not like my abhorring of vacuuming where it is easy to ignore the signs of dirt. Being 6'8" with ever-increasing poor eyesight also helps. It is almost as if I need to be reminded to breathe. This really puzzles me. I am not sure why I am inclined to practice deprivation of my person. I know I don't like the feeling of being hungry and it is not like I don't have Costco-West in our fridge and freezer or have to take down wild game with my bow and arrow before saddling up to the feed bag.

"Give us this day our daily bread" Jesus said. I might miss a meal. But, I should never daily miss eating of the one who is that "manna from heaven." My soul growls when I do.


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