So, I took down the Christmas lights tonight. It was not a big job. 30 seconds, one strand, one tree. I am a Minimalist, decrying the gaudiness and garish lights a-flashing. Actually, less labor.

There are still some hangers on with the lights up in the hood. Poignant, painful. In Autumn, leaves fall from trees. In Winter, Christmas lights come down. I can hardly contemplate now the empty Easter candy bowl and smokey remains after the firework 4th of July finale. So much loss...

Part of the wonder of life is that nothing ultimate goes on forever in this world. That should inculcate appreciation and inoculate against entitlement. The reality that we are always on a roller coaster of experience. We wait in line in anticipation, we go for a wild ride, and then we walk away looking back.

If lights were on the tree in year round, besides saving me a ton of work, it would get old fast like mozzarella sticks out of the oven for more than five minutes. Yet, I do hope a couple of neighbors leave their lights on for a couple of more days to lighten the loss.

Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.


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