Something Smells Good!

2 Cor. 2:15

"For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."

I am OK with Aromatherapy...when people suffuse soothing smells into the air like lavender so that they can chill out. A lot of New Age practices don't bother me as long as they are kept in their proper place and do not violate clear Scriptural teaching (like Necromancy-contacting the dead). Acupuncture, use of herbs, problem. Stretching while bowing to an Idol...a problem.

I do find it interesting that the practitioners of Aromatherapy speak grandiosely about its benefits: "Why Choose Essential oils? Essential oils offer a wide variety of health benefits such as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. It encompasses over 9000 years of history that supports, exemplifies and solidifies the therapeutic properties essential oils have to offer. It is also fun and empowering as it put control back in YOUR hands over YOUR health choices. "

The last sentence in particular is pretty ambitious....dubious in its claims and needs a disclaimer on many assumes healing properties of scents (Hmm); it assumes health care empowerment like Obama. Maybe smelling pleasant aromas does both the body and soul well. It can't hurt. I am just not sure it delivers upon the claims.

Personally, I would love the smell of pizza in the house. Then again, such a scent would make me hungry. And, with trying to lose weight...that would not help. My wife watches the Food Channel when dieting which I view as taunt-like. For some reason, it does not cause her to want to empty the fridge as it does to me. For me, it is like a sex addict such as Tiger Woods trying to go straight watching the Playboy Channel.

The Apostle Paul must be speaking about the aroma of foods when he is writing to the Corinthians. To some, the aroma is pleasing and draws people into the faith kitchen to see what is cooking. To others, the aroma smells like rotten roadkill stewing in the pot and causes them to want to flee the House of Christianity gagging.

When I was out in California recently, I saw a whole house encompassed underneath a Terminix tent. I suppose this bug killing entity seals in the deadly chemical within the tent. A lot of people view the Church as a Terminix tent. In bidding people to die to their sin nature, many view this death as the end of their identity, creativity, personality, and choices. To them, coming to Christ would be the equivalent of a bug crawling underneath that tent to croak.

Satan, being the "Father of Lies" actually convinces people that to come to Christ is a loss of freedom. He is the one who wants to keep souls in the "Death Tent." To ones called, the aroma of Christ offers a fulfillment of all of Aromatherapy's claims. And, it was not started 9,000 years ago but was on the menu before the foundation of the world.


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