Chill Pill

Man, yesterday I was desperate to finish up the student schedules and get started on my summer vacation. As I calculated the amount of work to be done and when I told Lina I was coming home earlier in the morning, I came to realize around 2:00 pm that I had seriously miscalculated.

Kind of missed that task train.

So easy to assume that we have enough time to do everything. Facing the remaining schedules--although probably less than 15 in number--I thought to myself that might as well been staring at War and Peace and try to read that in an hour.

Rather than berate and beat myself up, I closed up shop early and got home sooner than I said I would. I was frustrated for a spell, but instead of trying to get everything done and feeling the pressure, I deliberately went in the opposite direction. I turned the dial from hot to cool and decided to come back to finish today. As it turned out, I spent another full day at work so it was some seriously fanciful thinking to even surmise that I had a chance of finishing up yesterday. Other issues need to be resolved and since I was the only school counselor on duty, the calls and questions came my way. Ultimately, I was able to help out a good number of parents and students who would have had to wait for a couple of weeks had I not been there.

Jesus tells us that worrying takes the tomorrows of could and would worries and packs them into open-ended amount of anxiety and attempting to cram it into the small 24 hour box of today. No wonder we are so stressed out. Tomorrow should allow us, if we trust God, to imagine that things will come to completion, rather than continue out-of-control. And so it was today. The schedules are finished and the summer vacation begins.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


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