My, What Nice Teeth You Have!

Ah, I put a search in for teeth and smile and look what pic came up! I actually have great teeth. Only one cavity. At the age of 47 that is pretty good. I am a Dentist's fiduciary gold to be found in my mouth.

Last week I went in for my twice yearly cleaning and buffing. My dental hygienist is very competent at what she does but she does have a habit asking me annoying questions, usually while I am in the process of being scraped, flossed, or shined.

I think she may have been told in dental hygienist school that it is important to develop a rapport and a relationship with one's clients. Hence, the queries about my plans for the summer and the like.

I don't have the guts to tell her that she doesn't have to talk. More than that, no need to ask me questions. Just clean my teeth please...that is all I want, that is all I need. If I wanted to be interviewed, I would do something newsworthy.

There are plenty of things wrong with my body....bad knee, busted pinky on my right hand, an eye that does not see real well because my visual field in the brain is impaired, acne scars, a heart murmur, pigeon toed, headaches in the right side of my brain (arising from mild cerebral palsy), halitosis, an acidic stomach, and other issues. But, I have great teeth!

Often, it can be a challenge to be thankful, but if we take the time to look, we can usually find things to dwell upon that lift our spirits rather than drag us down. Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before him. That is some positive thinking, yo! It should make us smile.


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