365 Days with John Calvin

I have been searching for a new devotional to read. My present devotional is winding down and I thought it was best to line up a successor to the throne before the end of the current devotional.

I have a tendency to dawdle so I didn't dawdle if that makes any sense. Some of my weaknesses have become strengths because I am well-acquainted with them and have seen the damage like locusts they have wrought on the fields of my life.

So I anticipate them and counter them as one would play chess against a wily opponent. Perseverance of the Saints.

I decided to purchase the devotional 365 Days with Calvin. This is probably going to be some theological heavy lifting. Yet, burdens are bearable and even bountiful if they are meaningful and purposeful. This is not going to be some goofy and gooey quotes with feel good Christian Sugar Pops for the Soul stuff. Instead, Reformational steak at 5:30 daily.

I like what this website essay says about Calvin:

"Calvin brought to the study of theology a passion for biblical truth and a coherent understanding of the Word of God....this caused Philip Melancthon, Luther’s assistant and an impressive scholar in his own right, to give Calvin the sobriquet “the Theologian.” Time to pull out the steak knife.


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