Just Barley

On Saturday, I sowed some barley. This is just a small test crop to see the growing process. If it turns out OK, I am going to use the grain for beer or bread. Growing food is an instructive lesson in hard work, patience, smarts, and trust. Living off the land is hardly a free ride and generally what people sow they then reap. There are circumstances we cannot control such as the weather, and that itself is a good lesson.

As I was throwing the seed down, I thought about the Parable of the Sower, complete with the hard soil, rocks, and the weeds. It was like a Bible Story kit. Yes, there was good soil too. I think in our 21st century mentality "That my food comes from COSTCO", we lose the connection to the soil and the lessons it teaches. And, we are less wise for it. Maybe there could be COSTCO parables? Those who park farthest away from the store get out of the parking lot first (last shall be first type of deal?)

God chose to communicate His Gospel in an agrarian society, first century Judea. Although some of Jesus's listeners didn't get the point of His stories, it wasn't because they lacked the examples all around them of sowing, fields, plowing, harvesting, good fruit and bad fruit, healthy trees and not, etc. Instead, they had dull minds, hard hearts, and an obtuse spirit. Others received his teaching with gladness.The Gospel should be preached to all....it is God who gives the growth.

As I was reflecting on my planting of the barley from my back porch, I saw a bird land and then eat some of my seeds. How biblical.


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