If You Kill Mongoose Muammar, Get Ready for the Rats

The Mongoose lives in the part of Africa where Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi resides.

Both are crafty, sly, and survivors. In the words of National Geographic, Mongoose are "nondiscriminatory predators."

Sounds like old Muammar himself. Muammar is not as mad as we might presume...in the lands of the Bedouin, it is worldly-wise to be a bit nuts.

The problem with the Middle East is one of suppression and succession. The people can throw off one set of chains for another. The Shah is deposed and they get a series of even worse and more wicked tyrants like the ratish Islamo-Ahmadinejad in Iran. and his 13th Imam fetish. Democracy (i.e. majority or plurality rule) is not the answer. Remember such brought Hitler to power

If there was no oil in the Middle East, there would be no money for us to make off selling weapon systems to the warring tribes. The theological battle between the Jews, the Shiite, and the Sunni, might as well be fought with clubs and camels. Instead, we have profited in many ways off of the dissension (i.e. cheap oil).

I know that Jesus is the answer to all of this mess. We are living in precariously perilous times. The same Jesus who came to die for us is coming again to rule. And unlike the those in this world who make Jesus out to be a non-directive Rogerian therapist who co-dependently accepts our love for sin, this is not going to be all comfy process on the counselor's couch where we are affirmed in our rebellion.

The grace of God is amazing precisely because the wrath of God is so fearsome. Take one part of the kindness/severity of God away, and we no longer have the Gospel. I am not sure what it is.

Revelation 19:15

And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.


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