Discover Jesus

I had an odd thought the other morning before fully awaking. It was odd. I am warning you, but it made sense. It was, "Unlike the Discover Card, the Blood of Jesus is accepted everywhere." I think the origin of the idea was the day before after church where Lina and I ate breakfast at Rachel's Creperie in town. I had a delicious steak and cheddar crepe. It was sooo good that I don't recall what Lina had. Didn't even register, even though I had a bite. Maybe sausage and cheese something?

At the end of the meal, we paid with the VISA card because they don't accept Discover. Discover imposes a higher fee on merchants...which then gives us cash back. My typical sequence is to try and use my Discover for everything, then the VISA, then the Debit or the Cash. It is pretty obvious why...I had 550 or so reasons deposited in my checking account the other day from about a year's worth of Discover cash back refunds. Not bad indeed. The VISA is paltry in comparison...a gift card here or there, partially because the rebate program in less generous, and then I use the card less. But, it does operate as a dutiful back-up to the Discover. I only use cash when I am a sketchy store where I think they might be prone to stealing card numbers, and it is usually when I am out of town.

I really don't want to brand Jesus like "He's the Real Thing" (Coke) or "This Blood's for You" (Bud) or "Got Jesus?" (milk), but the blood of Jesus is universally accepted for the sins for all peoples in all lands. Even demons have to take the credit card. The financial language of redemption is prevalent in the Bible, and being sinful, our forgiveness accounts are low and our debts are too high to pay on our own. When we bring Jesus into the transaction, we can be assured that the bills are paid. That is great news.

Discover Jesus...He even is better than the real thing.


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