Do What You Can - Turn the Screw

The last couple of days, I have felt as if I haven't been able to get things finished. I have been dragging. Maybe it is the dreary rain and the water is making my brain soggy like a piece of toast left in a puddle on the kitchen counter. I am looking forward to the sunny May days ahead, when Pennsylvania explodes in color and beauty.

Anyway, I have a system at home when I don't want to forget something. It is a back-up to my iPhone calendar which I can ignore. It is a post-it note on the corner of the kitchen table. Stuff like, "Meeting at 7:00 AM at school tomorrow."

So, Lina scrolled on the Post-It note the other day, as an add-on to what was already there, "Tighten the screws to the front door handle." Here is the funny and sweet part. By the time she had written the note, she could have well been on her way to tightening the screws herself. But, she likes to be taken care of..she wants me to do it.

So, tightening the screws to the door knob became the ideal home project. I felt accomplished and she felt cared for. There are a lot of home projects that I cannot do because of my lack of ability and experience. It is a good principle to do something rather than nothing even though it is not everything. There are plenty of screws in my life that I metaphorically cannot tighten right now. But, there was one I could, so I did. God usually calls us to do what we can, when we can. Sometimes He will part the Red Sea, other times He expects us to fix the running toilet. Both are acts of grace.


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