Bell Ringer

Rob Bell's new book is all the rage. Literally.

Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived is divisive to say the least.

Being divisive is not necessarily wrong Scripturally. Hence, the problem. Bell divides the Bible against itself and takes the verses that support Universalistic themes and tosses those that don't. So, he is not being biblical in his divisiveness. I know that isn't the only issue he takes on but it is his most grievous error.

I have watched two extremely long interviews with him about his book, so please understand that I am not just knee-jerking a second-hand retread reaction here. It was painful. I am no Bible scholar and I can counter every universalistic controversial assertion he makes with one intellectual and theological hand behind my back. What is this, Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader Sunday School version?

I have watched him try to explain what he believes the Bible teaches and I have come away with the conclusion that he is a False Teacher. Engaging, yes. Interesting, perhaps. Well-meaning, I don't think so. Anyone who willfully distorts Scripture has a deeper agenda afoot, whether he is conscious of it or not.

See the picture of his face? A metaphor for what he has done to the Bible. Like Thomas Jefferson cutting out supernaturalism in the New Testament with a razor in his pursuit of the moral sublimity of Jesus of Nazareth, Bell cuts too the point that he presents a different Gospel.

I have debated within myself if it is worth the time to state my perspective. What has been said before and will be said again. I try to avoid debates with those who intentionally and willfully lack biblical coherence who claim to be Christ-followers. He is a pastor after all and he can't ignore 2,ooo years of orthodox Christian teaching without treading into heresy. That he seems to be so blissfully obtuse and obstinate should give anyone with spiritual discernment major concerns.

Here are the key verses (from Jesus Himself) speaking about the saved and the lost, heaven and hellfire, eternal salvation and punishment

- Matthew 13:24-30 (Wheat/Tares)
- Matthew 13: 36-43 (Wailing and gnashing of teeth)
- Matthew 25: 31-46 (Sheep and Goats…”Then he will also say to those on his left hand, ‘Depart from me, your cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels’ (v. 41). ”

These are the most challenging verses to Universalism outside of Revelation 20:15 "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." The lake of fire is not is punishment. There is Heaven, there is Hell. No half-way house.

Hebrews 9:17

Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

"Man is to be judged once, and but once. The decision is to be final, and is not to be repeated." Barnes


VanTil said…
Thanks for posting the video link on Facebook. I concur with your analysis. Too bad too because the reality of the love of God is lost way too often in the "presentation of the gospel." I think his points about "doing the gospel" are on target, but his attempt to remove the offense of the gospel is, as you say, deadly. I'm sure he will sell a ton of books.
Eric Bierker said…
V.T., as usual, a appreciate your insight. That Bell is saying and writing so many good things makes it tempting to treat his waffling Universalism as a minor issue. But,it is a cancer that must be excised from the body of His theology. Because he is dabbling in some dangerous which have eternal consequences, he had better think through his assertions with more scriptural lucidity or he will have a lot of blood on his hands. His books, like everything else, is going to burn and all the money he made, but the consequences won't.

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