8 Miles High

I snapped this photo from Hershey's Corporate jet at 40,000 feet on the way back from Chicago.

We hitched a ride as the jet was in the Windy City and we were stuck with no certain plan of escape. Didn't know that smaller jets are at the top of the flying altitude path-wise. Commercial flight is lower. Also, no security lines with TSA.

My wife and I have different work worlds. I spend my days with mostly blue collar kids, with a tinge of a white border. She is in the rarefied corporate jet stream quite literally. White collar with gold trim. Yellow school bus vs. a Lear Jet. I think we have the earth and sky covered.

When looking at a picture such as this I was struck by the pure beauty of the sight. May we never lose our sense of wonder. Every sunset is unique, it is once and done. God starts every day new as an artist with a palette. The scientist can explain how light refracts and reflects creating color and hue. Yet, why we should perceive it aesthetically points to more than mere utilitarian considerations. Explaining away can lead to draining away. Better to just ponder and wonder.

Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.


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