Soul Scars

I have scars on my face from a Job-like bout with cystic acne as an early adult. Finally shut down by the toxic but effective Accutane, the scars are daily reminders of many hard days and nights. I don't particularly like such jarring reminders but what can I do but accept them?

The outward scars are visual cues and evidence of my internal soul tumult of trying make sense of suffering in a world that is both beautiful and broken. All suffering is personal and not theoretical. Scarring is both a healing and a deadening of sensation and such a process certainly can lead to a lack of emotional resonance and empathy. Or, it can enhance such identification with the tragedy of others if the Spirit's balm emanates from the former wound.

I have been pondering the scars of Jesus, wounds from the crucifixion, that he appears to still have as evidenced from the biblical texts. What does the Bible reveal to us in this reality? God suffers with the world....not only from above but from within. Jesus could most certainly make the wounds from his pierced hands, side, and feet, disappear. I am entirely confident that the promise of the Resurrection delivers on total healing for the sick and physically broken. I am quite hoping that I don't see the scars on my face when I look into a mirror in heaven or that my left knee's aching pain finally is quelled on that day.

So, Jesus has willingly subjected Himself to the reminders of His suffering on earth. That provides hope to all those who are oppressed by the outworking of evil and the destruction wrought by the Fall that redemption is indeed a reality, for Christ in body yet in Glory still holds out His hands and side and invites the skeptical to touch his wounds anew.

John 20:27

Then said he to Thomas, Reach here your finger, and behold my hands; and reach here your hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.


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