Three Crosses & the Fourth
I know that the pictures look KKK'ish. The legacy of Southern Slavery and Burning Crosses is a condemnation of racism, an indictment of Southern Christianity--especially Presbyterianism, and an affirmation of God's plan of redeeming sinners through the suffering of His Son. I mean what better symbol of the raging hatred of Southern racists than the burning of a Cross. What reconciliation?
The unholy alliance of the Antebellum South Christianity's to Racism is shameful and did much to harm the faith. I am absolutely sickened by the apologists for the South.
I have watched three days straight of coverage on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. And like the Nazis in World War II, in the end, the lack of right short-circuited the might, and so the South ruined and soiled herself by her sins. This is not to say that the North was pious or that the Confederates did not have other legit beefs. But, at the core, the cause was rotten.
It was only after I took the first photo that I noticed that the Cross was so prominent in the foreground. Then, I thought that the pictures were very theological. For our freedom is very much based on the Cross. The Cross of Jesus should be ever before us, even in celebrations like July 4th.