A Sad Facebook Is Good For The Heart

Ecc 7:3

Frustration is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart.

I have seen several really honest Facebook posts recently where people have been raw and honest about something that was weighing on them. Most Facebook posts typically are up and not down. So, this posting against the grain has been interesting.

Since I work in a high school, I am very well-acquainted of the consequences of unwise use of Facebook and Twitter by Teens. I don't thinks the creators had any idea of the technological Pandora Box that they unleashed upon the adolescent world with the innovation. We as adults often have to explain and hold accountable youth who act in an inappropriate manner with their usage. Magnification of Dysfunction just ain't a good idea. Online Peanut Gallery...

Yet, I believe that posts that reflect reality in general are a good thing. A good rule of thumb is that any conversation or statement that would be considered appropriate face-to-face is generally safe on Social Media, as long as the contents of that face-face communication would not violate the privacy of others without permission or just be inappropriate for a larger audience. Thus, someone posting a sad or other negative emotion on FB is entirely legit and should enlist the support of others for encouragement.

Of course, if someone is too much of a Sad Sack--as if they are the only people in the world to suffer--when encountering the common lot of humanity, have an increased probability of being un-Friended. There is a radioactivity of "poor-me" that most people will be repelled by. The only way out is to identify one's suffering empathetically with the suffering of others. Another word for that is spirituality.

Distrust any spirituality that leads overly to me...that is selfish, not spiritual.    


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