These Are Great Days

These are not dark days; these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable

"These Are Great Days" is a saying downstairs on my fridge from a wartime speech of Winston Churchill's; the quote is on one of those fridge-magnet deals.

Like a semi-tabula rasa, there is nothing else on the appliance door besides some grime. Hey, life is not always antiseptic. There has to be a balance between clean freak and slob. I do know if one is going to be great, it ain't going to happen in sterile lab but instead in the muck and mud of life. Lysol-thinking not only kills germs, it kills dreams.

So, I shall seek to preserve the delicate balance on the fridge door of cleanliness and chaos.

I have this quote on the fridge door as a reminder that if my days are going to be great, I need to make them so. And I am not talking about some 15 nanoseconds of fame that our media-addled generation craves before passing on to the hereafter. "I had 302 hits on YouTube of me feeding a whole pepperoni to my dog. I can die in peace."

I am speaking of the greatness that comes from simply existing in this creation as a child of God and being aware of it. To remove the strictures of what appears to be the mundane, scratch the bleached surface of everyday, and grasp  the eternal wonder of it all.  Infinitity expressed in the Incarnation of Jesus. The deeper we look, the deeper we see. Too many have one eye locked on the past, and one eye peering ahead and miss the drama of the present.

Sure, remember the past. Project towards the future. But focus on today.   


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