Olympic Gold

1 Corinthians 9:24

Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain.

To be truly great, one must give it all up to the cause. Everything must be dedicated to the Gold. Eating, drinking, sleeping, thinking, subservient. In this sense, Olympians are a true inspiration. We are watching a lifetime of effort compacted into a few performances. What pressure.

A woman trampoline contestant from China fell yesterday. I don't know if she still has a chance for Gold or not but by the look on her face, it looked like it was over. It will probably be the defining moment of her life. Truly, so sad.

Perhaps such defeats inform us about how unwise it is to place such much weight on worldly achievement. Wearing the Gold medal around one's neck does not protect the wearer from mortality in the flesh. How much wiser would it be to labor in an endeavor where the prize is not lost when we pass. In fact, we receive the prize on the other side? Beyond the vagaries of time. An eternal reward.



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