Somebody That I Used To Know (in Eden)

Talk about biblical parallels. Gotye's song "Somebody That I Used to Know" is an Edenic archetype. Male and female, naked, conflict, both blaming each other, shame, paint rather than fig leaves. All we need is a snake singing. A studio rather than the Garden. He: Now and then I think of when we were together...felt so lonely in your company. She: I think of all the times you screwed me over, having me believe it was always something I'd done.    

The Fall of Humanity was mankind joining forces with Satan in his war against God. The battle was already in progress. Satan couldn't get to God directly on his own. He attacked His image-bearers and shattered them. In the fragmentation and fall-out, male and female attacked another and blamed the Serpent, refusing to own up for their own sin. Well, that hasn't changed.

God pronounces curses and prophesies the coming of One who will crush the lying head of the serpent and putting an end to his smack talk--but who in the process would be wounded. Christ, in the heel of His humanity, took the serpent's bite and venom in full measure and rose victorious. Jesus willingly subjected Himself to the Curse to become the Cure. There is no longer male and female, the Cross tree has unified us. It is time we act like it.      


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