How Can I Help?

I was walking to our worship service on Sunday. I needed to swing by Square One Coffee first to claim my free cup of Ethiopian from the night before. Square One gives customers a complimentary cup of coffee to those who buy a bag of beans. Since it was 7:00 PM when I bought the bag--and not a good time to drink another cup of Java (I had already had one), I asked if I could swing by Sunday morning and claim it. Coffee dude behind the counter said "sure." He said he would be working.

On the way to Square One Sunday morning, I was walking behind an older man on the sidewalk. He was frail with wisps of hair on his head. He began to sift through the trash can in front of him and grabbed a cup of coffee that had been thrown away still about 2/3's full. I didn't feel revulsion towards him which I suppose is a good first reaction. But, then I wasn't sure what to feel besides sorrow. Also, I didn't know what to do. To each his own, could be a reaction. If he wants to dig through  trash, that is his deal. But, who should be digging through garbage? We both got free cups of coffee, mine considerably more sanitary, tasty, and hot.

I began to think about his life, who is he, what is his story? Does he have family? Where does he live? Should I try to talk to him, buy him a fresh cup of coffee? Take him out for breakfast? Or more? Or, do I just walk by? I walked by, deciding that it was a less complicated option. I didn't want to sift through that garbage can of questions. As we in the Body of Christ wonder why our influence in society is waning, I have to think our unwillingness to deal with those elbow deep in garbage is certainly a clue. And that is not just old men in worn clothes. Wherever the Curse is found, there Christ's Body should be. It will stink, be inconvenient, and require the asking and answering of hard questions. Then doing. How can I help?


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