Pray Where You Are

I have been taking Paul's admonition to the Thessalonians literally "To pray without ceasing."

So whatever I am doing or wherever I am, I am praying--for others. Not myself. So many of my prayers in my past have been about me. Or at least connected to me in some manner. Now I am praying as a party not connected closely with the person. A local Harley Cycle Shop burned to the ground, I pray that they get back on their wheels. An older guy on the running trail that I encountered today, that God would bless him. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, that he be encouraged that he voted his convictions despite now being labeled a traitor to Conservatism. While lifting weights in my basement today, I prayed for the men who installed the HVAC system in the house over 20 years ago--whoever they are.

It has been kind of cool. Praying as a matter of  default. Finding someone to pray for and praying.  


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