Where's the Beef? (Steak) Tomatoes

However, I see tell-tale proof that these mendacious mandibles on all fours have penetrated my two-fence defense perimeter and are eating the produce nonetheless. Teeth marks in the half-eaten tomatoes. At least finish what you have started. No dessert for you!
Besides a few stray pickings, Lina and I have only been able to get two rounds of copious tomatoes off the vines. Usually, by this time, we have a red tint to our skin from eating so much of the fruit. We are also thinking that the passive-aggressive neighbor out back who is retired is also helping himself. It is a satanic conspiracy between man and beast. An unholy alliance of pillagers.
Reminds me of that Wendy's commercial of yore, the "Where's the Beef" campaign. Not much good to have ten or so plants and no tomatoes. Next year, just jalapenos.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.