South of the Borders

After school and before Open House in the evening I headed down to the local Borders bookstore.

I pretty much surmised that it was shut down but I didn't want to stay at school for the four hours until when the evening program started and figured that I would give it a shot. I was hoping to pick the carcass if it was still open seeing if I could get a meaty book bargain or two. I thought it might still be in the process of closing down. When I called on my way, there was no answer. That was a pertinent piece of evidence in me concluding closure.

Nope, it was DOA. I headed to Starbucks and while I sat in my chair drinking a Tall Pikes Peak coffee, I saw that a friend had posted on Four Square that he had checked in Hearts and Minds Bookstore in Dallastown, one of those Indie Bookselllers, due south of where I was about 15-20 minutes away. They specialize in thoughtful Christian books and just thoughtful books in general, with CD's, and a minimum of Jesus knick-knacks. So, coffee in hand, I went on my way.

I really had no intention of buying any books. I just wanted to see if I could ambush my friend and chit-chat with the owner Byron Borger about various topics under the sun. Who was I fooling? Me not buy books? That is like my wife not buying shoes. I walked out with three tomes. Byron knows my interests and he slyly pointed me to the books, as a moth to flame I burned some cash.

Although I am hardly happy that York has lost its Borders, because the areas can use all the avenues for literacy it can get, I am happy that the loss in Borders was Borger's gain. Not a bad trade.

Ecclesiastes 12:12

Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.


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