The Fruit of the Arts

So I am listening to KYW News Radio 1060 AM broadcast out of Philly the other day while driving around Central Pa. (I keep in the loop with Philly out here in the hinterlands) and what comes on the radio as a commercial? One of those spots with a deep-voiced announcer touting Lancaster Arts.

Thought it was an interesting juxtaposition. Philly is no NYC, but it is a world-class city. It suffers by comparison, being in-between New York City and Washington D.C. Like Khloe Kardashian compare to her sisters. Philly is viewed as a cultural Mecca and Lancaster is viewed as just some equivalent Afghani dusty town. Well take off the turban and put on the top hat. Lancaster is putting on a show!

Lancaster is ripe with art, like fruits from the tree and vine of culture. And not just agri- and horti-. Sorry, that is a recycled joke from one of my pieces from my illustrious days as a snarky columnist for The Snapper (Millersville University's student newspaper). I am green with my jokes. Figuring that you would not remember....

Art is a sign that a community is healthy. Jesus said that "By their fruits you shall know them"and the Lancaster Arts scene is alive and well....these fields are not just growing cash crops and that crappy tobacco anymore (who consumes that stuff anyway....nickin' horses and other beasts?). York city, on the other hand, is dead...dead...dead. Pray that God would resurrect that town. Harrisburg has potential, but seems to be managed by a cadre of incompetents, both past and present. And Reading, is just dangerous.

Far from being a luxury for the aristocracy with nothing better to do than sit around and drink $ 100 wine and same-priced cheeses and get all arty-farty, Art is for everyone. Art feeds the soul and should disrupt the drab with beauty....perhaps even tragic beauty.... transcendental truth in verse, notes, and drawing. Come to Lancaster, enjoy the days of art, wine, and red roses. (be moderate my friends). And, keep your George Washington's mostly in your wallet.


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