The End is Near?

On Sunday we were at a street fair in Hoboken, NJ. Hoboken is a hop, skip, and a jump to NYC (or a $40 cab ride at least) but is in itself a pretty cool town.

Its claim to fame seem to be two mainly. It is the disputed place where baseball was invented and the hometown of Frank Sinatra.

The street fair was replete with the aromas of cuisines from all over the American originals like deep- fried Oreos. I almost bit but walked away from the stand. I was more fascinated by how it would taste as a curiosity.

In the midst of the crowd, were people in these bright yellow shirts walking with signs that Judgment Day is May 21, 2011. Harold Camping and his followers have been wrong so many times about the end that if this were the Old Testament era, they would likely be stoned. While these zealous souls think they are being prophetic, they are just pathetic. Kind of eschatological Charlie Brown's trying to kick Lucy's Armageddon football.

It would be better for this fluorescent faithful to set up a table, hand out bottles of cold water in Jesus's name, and throw their shirts, signs, and predictions, in the trash can where they belong. The end will come but no man know when. Leave it in God's hands.


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