Father God

Tonight at small group, I was asked to give my testimony. It wasn't a spontaneous request. I have known of it for weeks. We are Presbyterians after all...

I have been feeling at odds recently with talking about myself based on some feedback I received about a book I am writing...too much of YOU one of my reviewers said.

So, I tried to dodge talking about me and pass on testimony time but the host was insistent. I didn't do much official prep. I decided to wing it, while at the same time, pondering GOD the FATHER for days. His appointing JESUS (GOD the SON) to die for us shows Him to be both fully just and fully merciful. Never trust a man who subtracts from one to add to the other.

I have tended to see GOD the FATHER as the stern Lawgiver and GOD the SON as the merciful one, somehow not keeping central that the FATHER sent the SON on our behalf. GOD the HOLY SPIRIT convicts us of our sin and of truth and righteousness, and of Judgment, and so empowers us to accept JESUS. It is ultimately about GOD in the beginning and the end. Hence, I tried to make the testimony about God and not about me. I am merely an object of grace. He is the great I AM.

Revelation 22:13

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.


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