Bad for the Fire Pit, Good for the Lawn

I can't grow grass but do well with the garden. That is like being bad at Arithmetic but great at Calculus. I have delegated lawn care permanently to a third party contractor, so I can blame some else besides myself when the lawn dies. My ego can't take the futility of failing to try to create a sustainable lush lawn. I am the Suburban Sisyphus.
As far as I know, that is a Bierkergaard original...see me pushing a lawn mower up a hill? Maybe I could sell tee-shirts?
Thus, because of the seeding, I figured that I needed to water said lawn, but first made dinner on the barbecue. After dinner, I decided to fire up the fire pit so Lina and I could chill outside. Then, it started to rain. And lightening. We rolled inside. The good news, I no longer had to water the yard and got to enjoy the fire pit for a spell before the downpour. I will take it!
Blessings are all around. It is just a question of what we are looking for. When something negative happen, look to see if God is at work in a positive way in the same exact situation. I know it is goofy to use the lawn as an object lesson. May God use the foolish thing (and our stressing about green lawns is foolish) to confound the wise.
Matthew 5:45
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.