STAPLES: That was not easy

Best yet, I could do it on-line at This sounded so much easier than those rebates where I have to cut out the UPC code, attach a .pdf of my 5 foot receipt, send the letter off to some small town in Utah, and 4 years later get a refund. Despite STAPLES motto of "that was easy" and the website name promising the same, the process was decidedly not easy. The website would not submit my information and then it timed me out. Server issues no doubt.
After trying for about 45 minutes to re-enter my account information and getting nowhere, I created a new account with a new email and then finally got in and submitted the information again. My old account was seemingly created, but it was not submitting the information.
I thought this is like when we try and oversell the Gospel to people and don't tell them that their lives may get harder in many ways as a result of becoming a Christian. Like loving enemies. Jesus did not underplay to costs of discipleship, He did not say that it was going to be easy. He said His yoke would be easy and His burden light but we are not to just stand there, but get to work plowing--and that work is not easy. Jesus does not add additional and irrelevant weight to His yoke and burden, but only that which is necessary to equip us for His work. Indeed, His lightness and easiness is because the work is hard.
Matthew 11:30
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."