
I heard a provocative talk from Christian musician, author, and speaker John Fisher several years ago around Halloween time where he deftly explained a wise perspective on the celebration of Halloween. Much of the same thoughts are in his essay "Home for Halloween." The main point I remember from his talk is that some Christians take the one night where the neighbors actually walk around with their kids and interact, and boycott the celebration b/c of their concern that the night is sponsored by Satan Inc.

Fisher did identify where Christians should draw the line on the macabre, gruesome, and nefarious elements of the celebration. The mindless embrace or the cold shoulder approach to Halloween are both less than the biblical ideal. Just because some of what is in the Halloween bag is evil, doesn't mean that we have to throw the whole bag out.

Some churches sponsor a Reformation Day (Oct 31) where it is advised that the kiddos dress up like Luther and Calvin. Now, this is really goofy. I am certain that both Luther and Calvin would be mortified (really, are mortified) to know that children are dressing up like them. I am confident that they would think this as something a Papist would do...venerate a man. Although, seeing kiddos with Calvin-like beards walking around would be quite amusing. It would be quite important to have no children at the gig dressed up like Menno Simons, though. Things could get ugly. There was a kid last night dressed up like Mother Superior and I asked him (her?) where his ruler was to rap the knuckles of the little unpenitent children. Soon, he returned and started roaming the neighborhood with a yardstick! I said a ruler!

So, what did me and my two good buddy neighbors do? We roasted hot dogs, handed out them out, distributed fine Hershey products (thanks Dear...we had just enough), had a fire pit to warm up those passing by, had cold bottled water on hand, and celebrated the kids in costumes, and got to know them and their parents. It was the Christian thing to do. Sounds pretty diabolical, huh?


Susan said…
You go, man! What a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours!

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