Truth Bleach

On Saturday, during my Suzie Homemaker stint of laundry and cooking, I counterbalanced that effeminate-like behavior with homebrewing a Belgian-style Ale. So far, fermentation seems to proceeding well. Yet, only the taste will tell.

With both the laundry and the homebrewing I had to use a measure of bleach to clean and sanitize. Chlorine bleach is harsh and caustic stuff. Get it on the wrong material and/or not rinse materials off with hot water, and the damage can be permanent. Not sure if non-chlorine bleach should be called bleach at all...the point is that chlorine will clean and whiten when nothing else works. Kind of like low fat cream cheese. There is a contradiction there in both products.

I had a pair of white pants that had two stains that would not come off in previous washings...I did not resort to bleach to start with, it was a tool of last resort. So the pants and all-other clothes white, were washed. Now I feel like Mary's little lamb with my fleece as white as snow.

With the homebrewing, I had to use bleach to sanitize the equipment. Yet, not wash the bleach off of the equipment, and the yeast would die along with germs and other bacteria.

Made me think that bleach is a lot like hard truth. There is a time to pull it out and use it, but try other less harsh cleansers first. Confrontation can be truth's final and last stand to kill lies. One must be skillful and scarce in the usage of bleach, but it must be used at times. Be careful.

In college, I learned the uses of bleach in doing my laundry. I also became a Christian in college. When I started to read the Bible, I was surprised by the harshness of the language. Jesus meek and mild? Hardly. He called Pharisees white-washed tombs, vipers, and sons of hell. Yikes. But Jesus' goals was to sanitize their darkened souls and cleanse them from the stain of self-righteous sin.

Lest I think I need no such bleach....forgive me my sin as I forgive those who sin against me.


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