Coffee Blues

I like my coffee strong...that beverage equivalent of Pat Toomey's Republicanism.

Lina automatically puts in about 20% milk to decrease the jitters and the gag reflex. My recipe is 6 or 7 teaspoons for 12 ounces. High-test, for certain. One time when we were driving to BWI, she had a bad trip on my coffee concoction. That happens to one degree or another if she does not lactify.

For awhile, I have been caught in a trilemma of sorts. Can't drink too much caffeinated coffee in the morning before work. My job is stressful and already provides substantial natural adrenaline response. Can't drink coffee in the afternoon without staring at the ceiling at 1:00 a.m. I have done that too many times to plead innocence and ignorance.

If I only drink caffeinated coffee on the weekends and then go decaf during the weekend I spend Monday and Tuesday going through a weekly withdrawal, headaches and all. Yippee! A weekly detox whupping.

But drinking decaf all of the time seems I can't handle my Joe. Similar to drinking Near Beer. I mean, what is the point? I like the taste of coffee and beer without caffeine or alcohol, yet both seem chemically castrated and unnatural.

I have a co-worker at school who does a half decaf and half caf coffee every morning. It is not an either/or. He does the mixture at home in the coffee maker. So, I have adopted a 1/4 caf to 3/4 decaf combination and so far it is working out great.

A lot of times we think we have to choose black or white...when there are plenty other colors in the rainbow of choices (this is not an apologia for moral muddiness...there is right and wrong, but not all choices can be classified cleanly and ethically).

My coffee blues have now become green (the color of the can in the freezer). Calm, peaceful, and serene...with a hint of red.


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