Martha Stewart Saturday

Well, today I did my laundry, made bread, cooked gumbo with the okra from our CSA (what else the heck is one supposed to do with okra?), baked oatmeal cookies, and brewed some beer.

All but the last are decidedly of the fairer gender, guess I am just a girly man . I like cooking because it is tangible. I cook, we eat. Simple. My occupation by day is decidedly more open-ended. I'm a little worried about the beer...the first time out into the land of Homebrewing. If nothing else, brewing beer today keeps me from being called a total fairy. No, I did not sew curtains, though.

God makes even the pragmatic (we have to cook, we have to eat) beautiful in that the aesthetics of creation such as color, taste and aroma are so much more than necessity.


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