Crisis: A Crack in the World

Matthew 7:24

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.

I have a peculiar pattern of watching TV. I fall asleep to CSPAN and awaken sometimes late night/early morning and watch a bit. I like to think that my mind is screening what is on and if it sounds interesting I wake up and watch. It also creates fairly policy wonkish dreams....

Last night, there was a taped program, at Columbia University, with a panel of reporters reflecting on the Boston bombings....on at 3:00 in the morning. It was a poignant discussion, tragedy has a way of drawing the deepest questions of life to the surface in a way that good times just glosses over. Pleasure is passing in this world, pain can be permanent. Questions like cracks in the facade of our faux philosophies that look good until the storms hit. Which they will.  

A peering into themes of God, the good, the evil, free will and fate, crime and punishment, justice and forgiveness. Heavy words. It is just dandy to treat life like a joy ride until a crash and then the wreckage begs to be answered like Abel's spilled blood.

Post-modernism collapses, modernism collapses, like the House of Cards that they are. We are left with the ancient ways and Ancient of Days to draw on resources deeper than the dry speculation of over-educated minds--as a steak left on the grill far too long.    


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