Whiskey Cure and Curse

Mark 7:15

Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.

I have been smacking around the cold virus all winter here in Pennsylvania with a shot of 90 proof whiskey. Better than all cold prevention strategies I have ever found combined. Keep your Airborn, Cold-Eeze, Nyquil, and Vicks. And at a fraction of the cost.

So far, so good. When I sense the virus is at work in my sinuses, where colds commence for me, I snort some of it into the nasal cavity and gargle down into my throat. If it burns, it is working.

However, Pennsylvania weather keeps slipping back into freezing temps like a drunk falling off the wagon. We are not yet out of the woods and the menace of getting cold is still lingering...I seek not to provoke its wrath through excessive confidence.

I kind of put two and two together with the Whiskey Cure (and I am very reticent to use that term carelessly as the cold virus might strike back like Darth/The Empire).

Check out the logic:

- Hand sanitizer is primarily comprised of ethyl alcohol.
- Spraying hands with sanitizer helps reduce the incidences of colds, flus, etc.
- What works for the hands must work for other regions of the body with viruses and bacteria.
-  Gargling with Whiskey Bourbon delivers a death blow to breeding germs before they take over.

Yes. Dr. Jim Beam has made house calls...for pennies of treatment and a ton of cure. Nobel Prize here I come.

Yet, as effective as Whiskey has been in cracking the potential colds upside the head--I have not yet become sick this year (besides my appendix bursting)--there is true danger in too much treatment, where the sipping becomes slipping. It has been a real lesson that some is good. I know a lot of Bible-believin' faithful think Whiskey is of the Devil--and it isn't. It is a particularly potent reminder that the line between use and abuse is real, and once crossed, curses rather than cures. Many analogous applications (money, sex, power, food, etc).

As such, it illustrates that it is what comes out of man that makes him evil. Thoughts not Shots.


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