Edge Book


In the last few years, bierkergaard has generated over 150,000 pageviews. Not bad for a dude who lives in Columbia, Pa. The readership spans the world. I assume people read the blog because it offers a unique perspective on theology. My own mom doesn't read it, so it can't be that these numbers are generated from family guilt.
I am passionate to make a case for Christ in an imaginative manner through a balance of serious and silly. Pointing out the profound in what are often my dumb mistakes. There is an endless supply it seems as I approach 800 posts in all.  
Our world has never needed the Gospel more but know it less. In such a sophisticated age, we are intellectual infants theologically. People make the most fundamentally incorrect statements about the Bible which demonstrates that they have not even taken the time to read the Bible in any in-depth manner. The Bible is by far the best selling book of all time yet I am certain that in the last 30 days, a higher percentage of people in the US have read "Fifty Shades of Grey."  
The Reformers who put their lives on the line to make the Bible understandable in the vernacular of the people must weep that our Bibles gather dust as we become dust, for sin is a fragmenter and a grinder of souls. The tagline for the Bible should be "The Best-Selling, Least Read Book of All Time." It might as well as be only be back in the Latin Vulgate and the masses can feast on Osteen popcorn theology. Your best life now. Catering to the selfishness in us all with a spiritual veneer. Like the veneers people have put on their teeth to hide the rot and crookedness underneath.
We are in a crisis. I learned today that the word for crisis in Greek is a word from Greek krisis, from krīnein, to separate, judge. SYNONYMS crisis, crossroad, exigency, head, juncture, pass. These nouns denote a critical point or state of affairs. We are On the Edge, for sure. And need to make some critical decisions.
Now let me get to the main point of this post. I have written and published a book (cover above) that makes a clear statement of where our culture stands in regards to college preparation and transition issues. Academia has devolved into vocationalism which is a tough sell when graduates can't get jobs, or get jobs they could have attained without spending on upwards of 50K, 100K, or 200K in expenditures and debt. Obama can blather on as the egghead he is about the need to be educated but when a culture loses why it is important to be educated, primary of which is to understand the ways and workings of God, we are not far from the rocks of reality.


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