Gay Marriage

Frankly, I don't really care if Gays marry. Although I think it does violence to the word whose very defintion mean male and female. Or at least it did since the beginning of written language. A few thousand years or so. Details, details.  

Yet, we live in a broken world. All of us are broken, some in more socially acceptable ways than others. Being gay is quite quickly becoming socially acceptable. Even hip. Probably a lot more than being morbidly obese for example. Really fat people get no grace.

What concerns me more than anything are individuals and groups appropriating Scripture to justify Gay Marriage and assuming that Jesus would bless it. There is zero, and I mean zero evidence, in the Bible that homosexual activity is something that He would annoint with His blessing. It becomes an issue of twisting Scripture and that is exceedingly serious in my eyes. Satan-like. The Devil.

In our Republic, our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" as our creed. So, if people believe that being homosexual relationships will bring them happiness, go for it. God hands people over so that they might discover that it was not all it was cracked up to be. I have many roads that have come to a dead end and God's grace lifted me out from self-made traps. Actually, the freakin' story of my life. It makes sin a lot less tempting when the costs come and ask for payment.

I don't want to present myself as righteous. Just the opposite. Fallen and redeemed by the God who is bigger than my sin.   


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