I Want To Live in a World Where...

It is still OK to: Eat a bowl of ice cream and not feel guilty, to sleep in on Saturdays, to not have all the answers, to assume the best of others as a first response, to wear blue jeans to church, to give up on washing and waxing the car, to not being a workaholic, to give all kids a fighting chance, to worry more about doing something good than doing something wrong, to pet strangers dogs, to walk rather than run, to laugh at myself but take others more seriously, to not write long emails or blogs or short tweets, to be rather than to do. To watch snow fall, support public television and radio, to be less political. Read books and sing songs even though I can't sing. To listen rather than lecture. To try and remember how hard it was to grow up and to give teenagers grace.

Maybe more to come as I think of it....


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