Winter of My Content

Psalm 46:10

"Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

“We can shoot rockets into space but we can't cure anger or discontent. ” John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent

My Dad was delving into an explanation of this Shakespeare inspired quote on Christmas night. My Dad is a well-read dude and in listening to him, I learn a lot. Like downloading knowledge.

Doing a bit of research, I discovered that this quote had been turned into a title for a book by John Steinbeck--his last novel published in 1961. The novel looks intriguing and was apparently Steinbeck's broadside against the "Greed is Good" mantra of the American Dream. Or maybe it was a surgical skewering.

Although I don't believe in the biblical office of Prophet is operational any more (for Christ has come), I do believe people can be prophetic. Steinbeck's words seem to fall into this sense of things. Do you hear me ye' 1 percenters?

Since I work in a school, I have some time off this week. And although I love to work, I really relish relaxation too. I have friends and acquaintances who seemingly have to be on the go all of the time. If such launching like a rocket to and fro' originates in passion and brings satisfaction, launch on.  Yet, I wonder if the lack of stillness is being driven by something insatiable. Not necessarily greed but states of activity that are distraction and avoidance driven. Silence can be haunting.

I know if one has kids, that frenzy is so hard to avoid. But even kids need to be taught that it is great to be quiet, curl up and read a book or two, have some hot chocolate, and just chill out. So many parents run themselves ragged trying to keep their kids entertained.  Teaching kids how to entertain themselves without tons of toys and technology is a great gift.

I find that I become discontented whenever I seek to find fulfillment outside the will of God and His presence. The world does not satisfy. I have to think that the TV is a prime instrument for creating desire, causing distraction, and winding our days down. But work can also be an addiction, or having parties, or affairs, or drinking too much. The deeper we drink, the thirstier we get. We dance until the music ends or we stop from exhaustion. Our sweat and our tears co-mingle into one.

For the remainder of my vacation, I am seeking to be content. I have been reading nourishing books, watching fascinating stories about the Civil War and its characters both great and small on PCN, working out (running and lifting), seeing some friends and family, and drinking and eating well, albeit moderately. I even plan to get another cup of coffee in a few minutes. And perhaps, read that Steinbeck book.   

Cease from your provocations of the Divine justice; cease from murmuring against the dispensations of his providence; cease from your labor for a season, that ye may deeply reflect on the severity and goodness of God - severity to those who are brought down and destroyed; goodness to you who are raised up and exalted: - cease from sin and rebellion against your God; let that disgrace you no more, that we may no more be brought into distress and desolation. Clarke



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